Your Digital Clinic for Athlete-Focused Care

  • Koomba's ongoing 1:1 mental performance coaching is personalized to every athletes' unique needs across a wide range of topics, including performance anxiety, nutrition, perfectionism, identity outside of support, return from injury, and more.

  • Koomba's Care Team facilitates tailored wellness support sessions that create spaces to connect with fellow teammates, coaches and peers around shared experiences, interests, and the challenges of the modern athletic experience.

  • Koomba facilitates on-campus Koomba Workshops with your athletic department to increase social support, promote a community of care, and foster healthy habits and self-care strategies so your athletes can achieve personal and collective team goals.

Topic Areas We Cover

  • Guided Meditations & Breathing

  • Time Management Resources

  • Guides for Talking to Your Coach/Athlete

  • Confidence & Self-esteem

  • Social Media

  • Family Dynamics

  • Perfectionism

  • Name Image & Likeness

  • Identity Outside of Sport

  • Developing Leadership Skills

  • Substance Use & Abuse

  • Return from Injury

  • Sleep

  • Nutrition

  • Marginalized Identity (BIPOC & LGBTQ+)

  • Mental Health First Aid

  • Coach & Athletic Trainer Education

  • Performance Anxiety

  • Financial Wellness